Saturday, December 6, 2008

kussnacht em klausenfieber

Our realtor told us about this Festival that takes place in her town of Kussnacht every December 5.
Truly spectacular, but truly weird.
Here is my take.
At precisely 8:15P.M. all the street lights are turned off. The curbs are lined with approx. 30 thousand visitors waiting for the parade to begin. There are whips, cowbells, and gigantic illuminated hats.
*I am not sure why (might be to scare off the evil spirits or to make sure the crowds stay calm) but men in white lead the parade cracking whips. I have never experienced men walking down a village street cracking whips?
*Next come the men with huge lit up pope like hats with cathedral themes. Each hat has its own spectacular design. (some where over 8ft tall and 5ft wide) The men with hats twirled down the streets. (I was a little nervous because they had all been drinking beer)
*After the hats scary men dressed as the grim reaper ( I found out later they were supposed to be street cleaners) handed candy to children? The scary men were followed by Santa Claus.
*The grand finale was a bunch of men in white ringing large cow bells. At first the sound was almost enjoyable. But they kept getting louder and louder. Would it ever stop? The men with cowbells kept coming. Would they ever stop? My ear muffs helped muffle the sound but more muffeling was needed.

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